Once registered succesfully the Office Of Public Guardian (OPG) will return your stampled LPA.
The recipient of the LPA will also receive a notice of Registration. This can not be used instead of the paper copy or online registration.
Key in the the useful link referenced earlier found on page two of the registration letter to activate your online LPA.
Read the information carefully then when ready select start now
You will then see
Read the terms of use carefully, this is useful if you need to inform the OPG of any significant changes. Once read use the back option to continue.
Select continue
You will then see
Click Create your GOV.UK One Login to see:
Keying in your email and selecting continue, you will see:
Check your email for the activation code. Remember it must be done within one hour.
Clicking on the top blank box allows you to manually or auto-generate a password. Remember the password and keep it safe.
You now need an additional security code.
If choosing text:
Keying in the 6 digit security code gives confirmation:
Click continue:
Click add your first LPA:
Click continue:
FERN TOP TIP: The activation key is not case sensitive.
Enter the code as prompted and select continue.
Key in DOB and continue:
You will be presented with the confirmation screen. Check the details carefully.
Confirm or use the hyperlink if there is an issue.
You now follow the instructions to add another LPA.
Contact us for help professionally drafting and paying for your Lasting Power of Attorney because you are doing it for them.....